Antisemitism Awareness Team

The KS Antisemitism Awareness Team (AAT) members are committed to learning, and educating the community, about antisemitism in today’s world as well as actions we can take to combat it. We sponsor events such as book discussions, classes, and guest speakers, and join in local community actions as ways to accomplish these goals.

Upcoming events are shared via the various Kerem Shalom communications. We welcome new members to the team. If interested in learning more, please email:

Through the KS Antisemitism Awareness Team, Kerem Shalom is a participating synagogue in the Kulanu program of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL). Kulanu is “dedicated to empowering congregations to address antisemitism and hate in their communities through education, community engagement, and advocacy.” Throughout the year, Kulanu provides webinars on antisemitism open to all members of participating congregations.

Past programs we have sponsored and co-sponsored include:

Book and Study Groups
Antisemitism: Here and Now by Deborah Lipstadt
The Newest Forms of the Oldest Hatred: Understanding Contemporary Antisemitism, with Jacob Meskin, PhD
Events hosted by the Antisemitism Awareness Team at Kerem Shalom
Countering Antisemitism Threats: The Latest Strategies and Tools to Fight Hate with Jeremy Burton, CEO of Jewish Community Relations Council of Greater Boston
TribeTalk presentation at KS for JLOFT teen program for Metrowest synagogues. TribeTalk “empowers students to find meaningful Jewish life on campus, to help students navigate challenges they may face and feel confident in their Jewish identity through their college years and beyond.”
• Sponsored a KS Antisemitism Shabbat during which two founding members of TribeTalk gave a brief presentation on Jewish life on campuses, having just visited some hotbeds of protest and communicated with their contacts across the country.
Related Kerem Shalom Programming
How Did We Get Here? (And where are we, with respect to the war in Gaza/Israel?) with Rabbi Darby and KS Member Dan Terris, PhD
Israel: The Most Misunderstood Country in the World by Noa Tishby, a six-session book discussion group 
Beyond KS, Community-wide events
• Co-sponsored with Acton’s Congregation Beth Elohim, The ADL New England “Walk Against Hate”
• Co-Sponsored How to Talk to Children about Antisemitism, with Deborah Gilboa MD
• Members of the ATT team participated in the First Parish of Concord’s Democracy Festival with materials highlighting antisemitism and the threat it poses to democracy.
• Co-sponsored Antisemitism: Then and Now at the Concord Museum, with Charles Gallagher, S.J., and David Shribman