A volunteer Board of Directors oversees the operations of Kerem Shalom, which is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. The Board includes officers, vice presidents focused on specific programmatic or administrative areas, and several at-large members. Board members are elected by members at Kerem Shalom’s Annual Meeting in June and serve two-year terms.
Guests are welcome to attend Board meetings, which are held monthly. Currently , these meetings are held via Zoom but at some point the Board will resume in-person meetings at the synagogue. Information about upcoming meetings is available on Kerem Shalom’s online calendar and in the weekly email sent to members and friends of Kerem Shalom.
Board members work closely with staff, with members serving on committees, task forces, working groups, and with other volunteers. These efforts focus on a wide range of areas and topics including: Adult Programs, Building & Grounds, Chesed (Caring), Communications, Development, Family Education, Finances (including dues, fees, and abatements), Fundraising, Governance, High Holidays, Membership and Member Engagement, Operations (including policies related to the COVID-19 pandemic), Religious and Hebrew School, Scholarships, Security, Social Action, Spiritual Life, and Technology. If you are interested in becoming involved in some of these activities, please contact the Temple Administrator at or 978-369-1223.
Kerem Shalom Board 2024-2025

David Luberoff
David and his wife Jody Tannenbaum have been Kerem Shalom members since 1997, when they found the synagogue after many years of “temple shopping.” Both of their now-adult daughters became B’nai Mitzvot at Kerem Shalom. David has been on the Board since 2018, serving as both Clerk and VP of Communications. (He also served from 2002 to 2004 as a member-at-large focused on communications). Currently, the Director of Fellowships and Events at Harvard University’s Joint Center for Housing Studies, he’s held a variety of positions at Harvard and elsewhere focused on the interplay of urban policy, politics, administration, infrastructure, and governance. David and Jody live in Lexington.

Jane Appell
Vice President, Adult Programming
Jane Appell has been a member of Kerem Shalom since 1985. Wearing many hats, Jane leads the KS Jewish Content Book Club and regularly attends classes and programs sponsored by AP, enjoying the spiritual and intellectual stimulation they provide. Jane is a psychologist in private practice and the mother of two adult children who both attended Kerem Shalom Hebrew School and had their B’nai Mitzvot at KS. She is also the proud grandmother of Akiva, who lives with his parents in Portugal.

Ted Barten
Ted and his wife, Iris Werbalowsky Barten, have been members of Kerem Shalom since 2013 and have found Kerem Shalom to be very welcoming to interfaith couples. They both enjoy Rabbi Darby’s dynamic and moving services and the beautiful music provided by Cantor Rosalie and the Kerem Shalom musicians and they have participated in a number of the Adult Programming offerings. Iris is a member of the ASL choir and has served on the membership engagement committee for many years.
Ted is an environmental engineer, who has served on Boards in his technical field and for the Deaconess Abundant Life Communities, based in Concord. Iris and Ted live in Bolton where they enjoy walking, gardening, and the sunsets over Mount Wachusett.

Karen Gaylin
Vice President, Administration
Karen has been a member of KS since 2007. Her career spanned over 30 years as part of operations and human resources management within the financial services, high-tech, and healthcare industries. Over this same period, she has served as a community volunteer and unpaid board member for various not-for-profit organizations in the social services and arts arena. She remains active as an alumna of Wellesley College and recently completed 22 years on the board of Ascentria Care Alliance. At Ascentria she served as board chair, and board secretary, and was a member of executive, governance, and board development committees. Karen and her husband, David reside in Concord with their three ridiculously spoiled cats.

Walter Gillett
Vice President, IT and Cybersecurity
Walter and his wife Sharon have been Kerem Shalom members for over twenty years. They live in Lexington. Both of their now-adult sons had bar mitzvahs at the temple. Walter is an experienced software developer and manager. He works remotely for the company HiddenLayer, helping secure AI systems.

Brad Guth
Vice President, Development
Brad and his family have been members of Kerem Shalom since 2005. He co-led the temple’s successful capital campaign, serves as the Legacy Giving Committee Chair, and is committed to sustaining KS’s vibrant, inclusive community. In other pursuits, he is passionate about soccer, supporting Fulham FC, and playing in his adult Sunday league. Brad and his wife Tracey live in Concord and always welcome visits home from their twenty-something children, Madeline and Ben, who reside in Washington, D.C. and New York City.

Jan Huber O'Callaghan
Deputy Treasurer
Jan has been a member of Kerem Shalom since the 1990s, at which time she and her husband Don were looking to join an ‘interfaith family-friendly’ synagogue. They found a welcoming home at Kerem Shalom—and their now adult twins grew up at Kerem Shalom, assisting Jan as an active volunteer at concerts, holiday festivals, and other events. Jan has served as Co-President of the Board, Chairperson of the Executive Committee, VP-Education, and on numerous committees, such as Rabbinic Liaison, KS Retreat, High Holidays, and the Governance Taskforce, among others. Currently, she is primarily involved with overseeing day-to-day financial operations and the implementation of KS’s new CRM and Member Portal. Prior to retirement, Jan worked for the Commonwealth of MA, Dept of Mental Health for 42 years. She resides in Littleton with her husband Don.

Michelle Kahan
Michelle and her family joined Kerem Shalom in 2013. Michelle has served on the Governance Task Force, Interim Education Director Search Committee, Director of Congregational Learning Search Committee (co-chair), and Youth Advisory Group. Michelle is a social policy researcher, experienced nonprofit manager, and educator. She currently works in the Center for Early Relationship Support, Jewish Family & Children’s Services. Michelle lives in Bedford with her husband Bob Fagan and two teens, Calla and Arlo.

John Langell
Vice President, House
John has been a member of Kerem Shalom since 2013 and, for some years prior to that, he was a frequent visitor and attendee, along with his partner of 30 years, Kitty Stein, and her service dog Charger. Prior to becoming a member, John studied Hebrew and took many other Adult Ed classes at Kerem Shalom, including completing Me’ah in 2014. Trained as an Electrical Engineer, he was a computer programmer for many years before becoming a Product Manager and Director. Although he has no children, he takes great pride in the work of Kerem Shalom’s Hebrew School. He lives in Lincoln.

Lee Rosenbaum
Member at Large
Lee and his family have been members of Kerem Shalom since 2006, and he has volunteered at KS in various capacities over the years. Lee has worked in the investment management industry for 20 years and prior to that served in the United States Coast Guard for five years, achieving the rank of Lieutenant. Lee and his wife, Judy, and their two daughters, live in Concord, MA.

Elisabeth Sackton
Vice President, Spiritual Life
Elisabeth Sackton joined Kerem Shalom in 2001 with her spouse, Liz Coolidge. Both their (now adult) children attended Hebrew School and became b’nai mitzvah. Elisabeth and Liz came to KS because they felt fully included as a lesbian-headed, interfaith family and now deeply value the years of building community at KS. Elisabeth joined the Board as an at-large member in 2012 and then became the VP of Spiritual Life the following year. She was honored to be a part of an adult b’not mitzvah group in 2017. From 2018-2020 she served as Board president, and then president emerita. She has been involved with several projects at KS, including security, AV infrastructure, accessibility, interfaith conversations, Israel conversations, and the High Holy Day

JoAnn Simon
Vice President, Governance
JoAnn and her husband Tse-hsin Lin joined Kerem Shalom in 1996 where their two sons attended Hebrew school and became B’nai Mitzvah. JoAnn joined the Education Committee where she served for several years and after joined the Social Action committee which later she co-chaired. At that time, she joined the Board and became a fellow in the OnBoard program of the Legacy Heritage Fund. This program trains new board members of Jewish organizations to become more proficient in their roles on a board of directors. She now chairs the Governance committee.
JoAnn has been an acupuncturist for over thirty years and loves gardening, walking, biking, and hiking. She studies Biblical Hebrew and has been a member of the Torah Conversations group at Kerem Shalom. She lives in Westford with her husband.

Mark Stein
President Emeritus
Mark has been a member of Kerem Shalom for more than twenty years Pror to serving as preisdent, he held the position of VP of Finance and Clerk/Member at Large. Mark has played a critical role in enhancing Kerem Shalom’s fundraising capacity, developing a culture of charitable giving here at Kerem Shalom. Mark’s expertise in international corporate law has been a great asset to the KS Board. Mark and his wife, Rosa, and their two daughters, live in Concord.

Seth Trotz
Vice President, Education
Seth, his wife, Dr. Cynthia Meyersburg, and their daughter live in the town of Harvard, MA. Seth also has three adult sons. The Trotz/Meyersburg family joined KS in 2022. Seth is a physicist and works at MIT Lincoln Laboratory. Cynthia is a research psychologist and lecturer at the Harvard University Extension School.

Deena Whitfield
Vice President, Social Action
Deena is a founding member of Kerem Shalom and a former member of the Concord Area Jewish Group. She has served in several capacities during her long-time membership: President, School Committee chair, Treasurer, Nominating Committee Chair, and as chair of Membership Engagement Committee and co-chair of the 30th Anniversary Celebration Committee. Prior to her retirement in 2013, she spent 10 years as a partner in an executive search firm that focused on finding senior-level administrators for colleges, universities, and non-profits and ten years in college admissions as an Associate Dean of Graduate and Adult Baccalaureate Admissions at Lesley University and as Dean of Admissions at Brandeis University. After retirement, Deena served on the Board of Open Table for six years, three years as chair, and continues to be active in the organization. She lives in Concord with her husband, Ron. She has two adult children and five grandchildren, the oldest of whom was a Bar Mitzvah at KS in 2018.

Sue Wolff
Member at Large
Sue Wolff joined Kerem Shalom in 2014. During a life phase of trying many new things, she wondered, “Can I find a local Jewish community where I’ll feel at home?” Sue became one of the 2017 B’nai Mitzvah group. She has served on the Adult Programming Committee, the 2019 Communications Task Force and the KS Communications Team, the Ad Hoc CRM Committee, the Legacy Giving Committee, and High Holy Days committee. As a KS Board member, she works with KS on strategic projects. She lives in West Concord and has an adult son.