Erev Shabbat with Guest Robin Friedman of TribeTalk

May 3, 2024 7:30 pm

(In-person and Online)

Join us for Erev Shabbat, sponsored by the KS Antisemitism Awareness Team with guest speaker Robin Friedman, co-founder of TribeTalk.

In this challenging time for Jews, and Jewish students in particular, TribeTalk empowers students to find meaningful Jewish life on campus. Robin Friedman co-founded TribeTalk to help students navigate challenges they may face and feel confident in their Jewish identity—through their college years and beyond. Robin will share her personal story, discuss current issues faced by Jewish high school and college students, and explain how TribeTalk addresses these challenges.

The Antisemitism Awareness Team will host the Oneg following the service. Honoring our families and the generations who came before us, we will offer desserts reflecting our Jewish family favorites. Please join us to enjoy the desserts, talk about your favorite recipes, and feel a connection with one another and our culture.