The mission of the Kerem Shalom Racial Justice Task Force is to observe the Jewish imperative spoken of in Deuteronomy, “Justice, justice, thou shalt pursue.” Through awareness and learning about racism, we can further the cause of justice through action.
Please reach out with any questions to racial-justice-tf@
What can you DO to pursue racial justice?
Learn about what initiatives Kerem Shalom is taking and how you can participate!
Deeper Than the Skin
Kerem Shalom presented “Deeper Than the Skin,” a musical presentation on race in America.
Dr. Ray Arsenault
Dr. Ray Aresenault, an award-winning historian and author of Freedom Riders: 1961 and the Struggle for Racial Justice, conversed with Dr. Stephen Whitfield, the Max Richter Professor of American Civilization, Emeritus at Brandeis University, during one of Kerem Shalom’s Racial Justice Forums.