Holocaust Reparations & the Action Reconciliation Service for Peace

April 27, 2025 10:30 am

An AP Yom Ha-Shoah Program
Online Only

To honor and remember Yom Ha-Shoah, Dr. Monika Moyrer will share her experiences as a program director for Actional Reconciliation Service for Peace (Aktion Sühnezeichen Friedensdienste e.V [ASF]). For over 60 years, ASF has been firmly committed to remembrance, reconciliation, and peace. The organization was founded after World War II in Germany as a sign of atonement and solidarity with people and countries that suffered the most from the unprecedented Nazi crimes. 

Every year, ASF sends approximately 120 volunteers to various countries in Europe, Israel, and the USA. They accompany survivors of the Shoah and Nazi forced labor, care for people with mental disabilities, assist staff in memorials and archives, and support various social projects. In addition to their 12-month program, each year ASF offers special summer service projects, approximately two weeks in duration, on topics relevant to their service, mostly in Eastern and Central Europe. 

Projects include clean up and maintenance of abandoned Jewish cemeteries, rehabilitation of facilities for people with disabilities, archival work, programs against right-wing extremism, and programs of encounter with immigrants, refugees, and other excluded groups. 

ASF partners with Jewish communities, churches, museums, and memorial sites as well as with organizations that provide social services for the elderly, disadvantaged youth, minority groups, refugees, or people with disabilities. ASF supporters believe that a path for understanding and dialogue opens up when we closely cooperate with individuals and partner organizations that share our mission. Thus, volunteer service is peace service.

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