Friday, February 3, 2023, 5:45 pm
With ASL Interpreter
Join Nancy and Rabbi Sam for a Tu BiShvat Tot Shabbat & Dinner! We’ll share blessings, the joy and sweetness of Shabbat, our Thankfuls, and prayers for peace and healing. We’ll move, snap, tap, clap, sing, snuggle and dance. We’ll learn about Tu BiShvat and trees in our Jewish tradition and beautiful world, through songs, stories, and prayers. We’ll share blessings over juice and challah with B’rachah the “Dragosaur” and fruits for Tu BiShvat during dinner.
All are invited to stay for DINNER! We’ll have babysitters and Tu BiShvat crafts and activities to keep your little ones busy while you visit over dinner.
Kindly RSVP to Nancy at for dinner by Wednesday, February 1, with the number of adults and children attending dinner and with any dietary restrictions