Sunday, March 5, 2023
1 pm
In-person only
Celebrate with KS at our Purim Mitzvah Masquerade!
Join us for the afternoon at our festive, Purim celebration for all ages, centering on Mitzvot and Tzedakah! Costumes encouraged!
Carnival Games • Bouncy House • Snack Bag Packing • Costume Parade • Crown Decorating • Food Drive to Benefit Open Table • Tzedakah • Hamantaschen Sales to support KS’s Afghan Resettlement Initiative • Plus more!
1:00 pm Children’s Purim Spiel and Sing-a-long, presented by students and KS faculty
1:30 pm Mitzvah Projects & Games for Families with Children
Suggested donation: $5/person (max $20/family)
Seeking Volunteers! Preteen, teen, and adult volunteers are needed! Please contact Nancy Kaplan to help out:
Purim Food Drive for Open Table Kids’ Snack Bags
To fulfill the mitzvah of Matanot L’evyonim (gifts for the poor) we are seeking donations of much-needed children’s snack items. Hunger never takes a holiday! Please support Open Table with donations that can be dropped off at KS on or before Sunday, March 5.
We will be assembling Open Table Kids’ Snack Bags on March 5 at our Mitzvah Masquerade. Requested items include:
- cans or single-serve packs Beefaroni, ravioli, Spaghettios with meatballs, or similar
- boxes of macaroni and cheese
- 8-packs crackers with cheese
- boxes of multi-pack whole grain snack bars—granola, protein, or fruit-based bars
Additionally, your generous donations are always gratefully accepted in our manna bin, year-round. Cash donations or donations to our Food Insecurity Fund are also gratefully accepted.
Hamantaschen Sale
Purchase a bag (or more!) of delicious Hamantaschen and do a mitzvah!
Buy a Hamantaschen gift bag for yourself or a friend, and fulfill the Purim Mitzvah of Mishloach Manot—sending gifts of food to friends!
- $5 per gift bag
- All proceeds to benefit Kerem Shalom’s Afghan Resettlement Initiative and Kerem Shalom
Pre-order: by Monday, February 27 by clicking the button below.
Pick-up: At the Mitzvah Masquerade Purim celebration on Sunday, March 5, at 1pm, OR on Monday, March 6, between 4:15 pm and 6:15 pm.
Megillah on the Roof, Kerem Shalom’s 2023 Purimshpeil
Saturday, March 11, 2023
7:00 pm, Desserts, drinks, & Shmoozing
7:30 pm, Welcome by Rabbi Darby and Rosalie; Purimspiel, followed by more merriment!
Please RSVP by Wednesday, March 8 to
Come, bring friends, and enjoy our fun Purim musical! Costumes are optional! The performance will be followed by tea, coffee, dessert, and shmoozing!
If you would like to add to the festivities with a song, a story, or a joke—or if you are
interested in being part of the Chorus for this fun show, please contact for more information.