Purim Food Drives for Open Table & Household Goods

To Benefit Open Table

We will be decorating and packing

Kids’ Snack Bags for Open Table to fulfill the Purim mitzvah of matanot l’evyonim (gifts for the low-income) during the Mitzvah Masquerade.

We are collecting the following snack food donations for Kids’ Snack Bags, through Sunday, March 16.

  • Cans or single-serve Beefaroni
  • Dried fruit & nut mixes or trail mix 
  • Fruit cups
  • Shelf-stable, single-serve chocolate milk cartons
  • Instant oatmeal
  • Ramen Noodles
  • Applesauce
  • Goldfish
  • Kids’ granola bars
  • Kids’ individual sweet or salty snacks (packages of pretzels, goldfish, fruit snack)

Sign up to donate items for the Kid’s Snack bags!

Thank you for your generous donations!

Additionally, your generous donations are always gratefully accepted in our manna bin, year-round. Cash donations or donations to our Food Insecurity Fund are also gratefully accepted.

For a complete list of Open Tables’ most needed items, please click here

To Benefit Household Goods

Kitchen Starter Sets provide essential kitchen utensils and tools needed for preparing and serving meals. 

We are collecting these items now, and on the morning of Mitzvah Masquerade, and will be assembling starter sets at our Purim Mitzvah Masquerade, on Sunday, March 16.

Sign Up for the Kitchen Utensil Drive for Household Goods