(In-person Only)
For KS members only
RSVP deadline Thursday, February 27, 2025, but please respond early so we can send you materials to review prior to the program.
Many of us have been experiencing multiple emotions and thoughts about events in the Middle East since the attack by Hamas on Israel on October 7, 2023. Many of us have listened to podcasts, read articles, and talked with friends and family to try to gain understanding and perspective. And yet, we may still feel frustrated, angry, and confused. We may be having arguments in our own heads about the situation. Others may be clear about what we think but want a place to express their views.
This program will allow all of us to speak about whatever is on our minds regarding the current conflict. While this war has roots in a long history, we want to offer a safe place for people to talk about what has happened over the last year plus since October 7.
It’s a time to be heard but not convince. A time to process our own struggles with the situation. A time to listen to others as they speak their minds.
The conversation will be facilitated by David Hoffman, a long-time KS member and mediator.
We ask that you RSVP for planning purposes. Please join us as we break bread and ponder together.